Enhancing Your Problem-Solving Skills with Proven Methods

You too can become a problem-solver, all you need is to believe in yourself and to tell yourself 'I know I can'. You've got this.


As programmers, we are always faced with problems and bugs to solve. Having good problem-solving skills is necessary to excel. Problem-solving skill is not for some selected few you think are born with them, rather it is for those who are willing and dedicated to study and take necessary actions to master this skill. Join me as we take a ride to explore the world of problem-solving and how you too can become a problem-solver.

" To a man with a hammer, everything (problems) looks like a nail" -**Abraham Maslow*.*


The word "Problem" derived its root from the Greek word "proballein" with "pro" meaning "before" and "ballein" meaning "to throw". A problem, in this view, is nothing more than a question, or idea proposed.


Problem-solving is the ability to identify problems, brainstorm and analyze answers, and implement the best solutions.

Steps to Problem-solving

When faced with an issue, problem, or bug, don't follow your gut to jump right into your favorite text editor and start writing and executing a solution. Instead, take some time to follow the outlined steps of action and you will be amazed at the solution you will produce.

“If I only had an hour to chop down a tree, I would spend the first 45 minutes sharpening my axe.” – Abraham Lincoln.

If I had an hour to solve a problem I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions. - Albert Einstein

Step 1: Identify the Problem

The first step in solving a problem is identifying what the problem is - sounds simple right? The questions below will serve as a guideline.

  • What am I asked to do?

  • What exactly is required?

  • What are the unknowns?

  • What is the main part of the question?

  • Does the main problem have sub-problems?

  • Can the problem be better expressed using a diagram or picture?

Step 2: Find a solution (or many solutions)

Now that you've identified the real issue, it's time to think of a solution. Brainstorming as many solutions as possible will help you arrive at the best answer. Because you will be considering many potential options and scenarios. Use the questions below as a guideline.

  • Have I solved a similar problem before?

  • Are there any patterns you can recognize?

Step 3: Evaluate the options

Each option will have pros and cons, and you must list all of these, as well as how each solution could impact the overall solution. Once you’ve narrowed down your options to three or four, it’s often a good idea to go to other developers for feedback just in case you’ve missed something.

  • What are the pros and cons of the solution?

  • What is the possible outcome of this solution?

  • Is the solution easily achievable?

  • How much effort and resources it will take (Time and Space complexity)?

Step 4: Implement the solution

At this point you might be thinking it’s time to sit back and relax – problem solved, right? if you want your problem-solving method to be truly effective. The first is to create an implementation plan. After all, if you don’t carry out your solution effectively, you’re not solving the problem at all.

Step 5: Confirm the problem is solved

This is a very important step. Once the solution is in place, run it through every possible scenario and validate that the problem doesn’t occur again. If it doesn’t solve the issue, you have to go back to the second step and evaluate the options. Don’t get discouraged, it’s better to find out it doesn’t work earlier than later. Try, and don’t be afraid to fail, just be responsive and act quickly.

Step 6: Document the solution

Hurray!!!! It is time for celebration. Hey!!! 😁 take some time to document the whole process and techniques you've employed in reaching your final goal. As this will be of help to you and others when faced with a similar or exact problem.

I appreciate your effort in sticking around with me as I take you through the journey of acquiring a problem-solving skill/mindset. Next time you are faced with a challenge that looks difficult, remember you are now a problem-solver, therefore rise and face that challenge with the skill you've acquired. 'I know you've got this'.

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Merci Beacoup 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁!!!!!!